Appointments 2019-2020


Most Excellent Grand Superintendent
E. Comp David J Boswell

Deputy Grand Superintendent
E. Comp Raymond Keith Pascoe

Second Provincial Grand Principal
E. Comp Roger Edward Nash

Third Provincial Grand Principal
E. Comp Paul Anthony Norman

OFFICERS FOR 2019-2020

Scribe Ezra* Nicholas Brian Le-Grys 9215
Scribe Nehemiah Michael Yeates Howell 71
Treasurer* Roger Maurice Young 1663
Registrar Allen James Kirk 959
DC Nigel Wallis Gibson Gregory C8656
Sword Bearer Richard Colin Carter 81
Deputy DC* Kazimierz Wladyslaw Kossowski 1663
Deputy DC Jamie Brendan Stapleton Gwatkin 4618
Almoner Paul Wreathall 1008
Charity Steward Brian George Simpson 9276
Principal Sojourner Dennis Edwin Simmonds 3833
1st Assistant Sojourner Robert David Mountney 1983
2nd Assistant Sojourner David John Wilson 3833
Assistant Scribe Ezra Kelvin John Larcombe 376
Standard Bearer Christopher Alan Seston 6637
Standard Bearer Trevor John Tinley 225
Standard Bearer Nicholas Mark Stones 1663
Organist* Graham John Colthorpe 3833
ADC Christopher Geoffrey Norman 81
ADC Keith George Cook 1224
Steward Roger Malcolm Girling 114
Steward Ian Timothy Ansell 388
Steward J I Christopher Lister 936
Steward Raymond Richard Player 959
Steward Gary James Watson 1823
Steward Darren John Aldred 8656
Janitor D Keith Bosanko 305
*denotes Re-Appointment


Scribe Nehemiah Andrew Willian Longton Sleath 114
Scribe Nehemiah Gordon John Robert Spindler 114
Scribe Nehemiah Terence Arthur Raybould 1224
Scribe Nehemiah Peter Ivan Kemp 1452
Scribe Nehemiah Raymond John Garfield 3833
Scribe Nehemiah John Edward McMahon 4618
Scribe Nehemiah William George McColl 8017
Scribe Nehemiah John Charles Michael Strong 8017
Grand Registrar Colin George Davies 516
Grand Registrar Robert Keith Jenkins 2438
Grand Registrar Michael John Helliar 4618
Grand Registrar Melvin Stanley Pettit 8656
Sword Bearer Roy John Holloway 959
Sword Bearer Ian McFetridge 1008
Sword Bearer James Swanson Newell 8656
Deputy DC Adrian Watts 225
Deputy DC Trevor Malcolm Tate 388
Deputy DC David Harold Last 1224
Deputy DC Brian Peter Harvey 6292
Deputy DC Neville Gwyn Long 9333
Principal Sojourner David Stanley Cuthbert 225
Principal Sojourner Richard William Taylor-Balls 1008
Principal Sojourner John Chatfield King 1631
Principal Sojourner Trevor George Lord 9333
Assistant Sojourner Colin Arthur Cason 305
Assistant Sojourner David Ian Langton 305
Assistant Sojourner Russell Derek Keen 6637
Assistant Sojourner John Eric Porter 8656
Standard Bearer Colin Douglas King 225
Standard Bearer Mark Jon Garfield 959
ADC Michael Robert Parry 555
ADC William Bunn 959
ADC David James Cole 1631

Appointment to Past Rank

Sword Bearer Barry Alan Biggs 3913
Principal Sojourner Peter James Leveridge 9276
Standard Bearer Peter John Mitchell 71
Standard Bearer Brian Frederick West 1983
Standard Bearer Kenneth John Beale 6292
ADC Robert Stephen Mullins 516
ADC Francisco Savio Mackenzie 2438

Order of Merit

OM John Dalby Edmonds 1983
OM Brian Colin Bowen 2371

Suffolk Commendation

Comm David Richard Bell 71
