Royal Arch Toast List

 Toast List

The toasts of the King and the First Grand Principal should always be honoured.
Principals of Chapters may use their discretion as to which, if any, of the other toast are to be proposed, and whether Companions are to be asked to respond to them.

The King and the Craft and Royal Arch Masonry
The Most Excellent The First Grand Principal
His Royal Highness the Duke of Kent
K.G., G.C.M.G., G.C.V.O., A.D.C.
 The Most Excellent Pro. First Grand Principal
 Jonathan Spence, DL
The Most Excellent Second Grand Principal
Sir David Hugh Wootton
The Most Excellent Third Grand Principal
Gareth Jones, OBE
and the rest of the Grand Officers, Present and Past
The Most Excellent Grand Superintendent
E.Comp. Jolyon Arthur Leonard Berry
The Deputy Grand Superintendent
E.Comp. Timothy John McCormick
The Second Provincial Grand Principal
E. Comp. Roger Maurice Young
The Third Provincial Grand Principal
E. Comp. Nigel Wallis Gibson Gregory
and the Officers, Present and Past
of Provincial Grand Chapter
The Principals of the Chapter.
The newly exalted Companion(s) (if any).
The Visitors.
The Past Principals and Officers of the Chapter.
The Janitor’s Toast

Not to be used after 23rd April

The toasts of the King and the First Grand Principal should always be honoured. Principals of Chapters may use their discretion as to which, if any, of the other toast are to be proposed, and whether Companions are to be asked to respond to them.

The King and the Craft and Royal Arch Masonry


The Most Excellent The First Grand Principal

His Royal Highness the Duke of Kent

K.G., G.C.M.G., G.C.V.O., A.D.C.


The Most Excellent Pro. First Grand Principal

Jonathan Spence DL

The Most Excellent Second Grand Principal

Russell John Race, DL

The Most Excellent Third Grand Principal

Gareth Jones, OBE

and the rest of the Grand Officers, Present and Past


The Most Excellent Grand Superintendent

E.Comp. Jolyon Arthur Leonard Berry


The Deputy Grand Superintendent

E.Comp. Timothy John McCormick

The Second Provincial Grand Principal

E. Comp. Roger Maurice Young

The Third Provincial Grand Principal

E. Comp. Nigel Wallis Gibson Gregory

and the Officers, Present and Past

of Provincial Grand Chapter


The Principals of the Chapter.


The newly exalted Companion(s) (if any).


The Visitors.


The Past Principals and Officers of the Chapter.


The Janitor’s Toast

Updated 14 March 2024
